What Is Male Pattern Baldness? Tips & Treatments | ToneOpCare

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What Is Male Pattern Baldness? Prevention Tips And Possible Treatments


Anvesha Chowdhury


Jun 20, 2024


5 min read




Male pattern baldness is named after the pattern of hair loss that men often experience. Androgenetic alopecia, the scientific term for male pattern baldness, is a common disorder that affects a large percentage of men worldwide. Male pattern baldness is characterised by gradual hair loss and thinning, usually beginning in the crown and temples of the head. It frequently follows a predictable pattern influenced by hormonal and genetic variables. 


Because this disorder affects one's physical appearance and possibly self-esteem, it can have significant psychological and social repercussions. Read through to understand male pattern baldness, treatments and ways to fix it.


Table Of Contents

1. What Is Male Pattern Baldness?

2. Is There A Male Pattern Baldness Treatment?

3. Tips To Stop Male Pattern Baldness

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References


What Is Male Pattern Baldness?


Hair loss on the scalp in men is mainly called male pattern baldness. Hair loss is a natural ageing process, but it can be stressful whenever it becomes severe. A combination of hormones and a genetic disorder causes male pattern baldness. There are many reasons for androgenetic alopecia in men (male pattern baldness).


Sometimes, it starts in one's late teens or early twenties, but it usually appears later. By age 50, men have visible signs of male pattern hair loss, such as noticeable thinning, a receding hairline, or balding. Many causes are responsible for androgenetic alopecia. Genetic reasons, hormonal disorders, increased DHT (dihydrotestosterone) production and ageing can worsen the condition.


Also Read- 6 Types Of Hair Loss In Men And Women


Is There A Male Pattern Baldness Treatment?


Conditions such as chronic hair loss, thinning hair or patchy bald spots require hair treatment. Different types of hair treatments will give you better relief from these hair fall problems.


1. Non-Surgical Treatment For Male Pattern Baldness


  • Minoxidil for Male Pattern Baldness-Minoxidil is a topical medication used on the scalp, often referred to as Rogaine. This medicine comes in the form of a lotion or foam. Generally, the surgeon prescribes using this medicine twice a day. This medicine reduces hair loss caused by male pattern baldness and helps to stimulate the growth of new hair. This medicine may take 3 to 6 months to get the desired results.
  • Finasteride for male pattern baldness- Finasteride is a drug that reduces DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a male hormone that affects the hair follicles of the scalp. This drug also reduces the progression of baldness caused by DHT. This drug takes more than six months to achieve the desired results.
  • Laser treatment for male pattern baldness- This light therapy minimises hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. The light energy passing through the scalp stimulates the growth of hair follicles and increases blood circulation in the bald area.


2. Surgical Treatment Of Male Pattern Baldness


  • Hair Transplant: Severe hair loss that leads to baldness needs this hair transplant surgery. During this process, the surgeon removes hair follicles and transplants them into the bald areas of the scalp. Depending on the severity of baldness, the surgeon will decide on the number of follicles needed for transplantation.


Tips To Stop Male Pattern Baldness

What Is Male Pattern Baldness Prevention Tips And Possible Treatments

Male pattern baldness can be a very unpleasant problem. There are specific natural and medical ways to prevent male pattern baldness. Some of them are listed as follows-


1. Drink Green Tea

Research shows that green tea has anti-androgenic properties that can help you prevent androgenic alopecia.


2. Scalp Oil Massage


Massaging the scalp with hair oils like coconut oil provides the necessary nourishment to the hair and thus prevents hair fall.


3. Try To Reduce Stress


Stress can increase the secretion of 'cortisol' hormones in your body, leading to hormonal imbalance and hair loss. So, reducing stress can help you prevent excessive hair loss.


4. Consider A Hair Transplant Procedure


Consider clinical treatment if you are losing hair alarmingly. Hair transplant treatment can help prevent further hair loss.


5. Change Your Diet


Include foods like eggs, fish and walnuts. These foods are made of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, giving your hair the nutrition it needs and helping prevent androgenetic alopecia.


Also Read- 7 Recommended Multivitamins For Men To Fulfill Their Nutritional Needs!


6. PRP Treatment


Platelet-rich plasma therapy helps improve hair thickness by releasing growth factors needed for hair growth.


Dietititian's Recommendation


Some find male pattern baldness daunting, but there are hair loss treatments that can help. Whether you are looking for natural tips and remedies or prescription drugs, there are ways to slow and even stop hair loss. You can opt for ToneOp Care's black seed oil capsules, which promote hair growth, improve scalp health, and give you moisturised and conditioned hair.

                                                                                        Dt. Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say


Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness, is a common occurrence as a person matures. It usually starts with thinning around the hairline or on top of the hair. Over time, thinning continues and can lead to partial or complete hair loss. Medicines, topical treatments, and cosmetic procedures can treat male pattern baldness. However, using these options is unnecessary if one does not want to. 


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